ICO Cibus - Multi-functional platform based on the chain of blocks aimed at facilitating world food trade.

The CIBUS platform is an ecosystem based on blockchain technology specific for food and health supplements that guarantees the origin, quality and compliance of transparency. The genesis of the CIBUS platform is to bring manufacturers of dietary and dietary supplements, manufacturers, sellers or traders under a multifunctional, interactive and mutually beneficial platform. Active in the chain of blocks will allow transparency through reliable data present in the distribution book that can be freely consulted by all stakeholders; so both entrepreneurs and consumers can enjoy the transparency, authenticity and reliability of the food products that interest them.

Production and distribution records stored in the CIBUS block can not be falsified. Consumers / buyers, producers and regulators can use it to track food products to their source, to quickly decide to recall food recall or fraud detection, despite having a high degree of transparency.

The CIBUS token will allow you to rely on platform transactions among all participants. It will be the official currency for all transactions, the payment methods for transaction fees, custody services and advertising,  
will provide commercial analysis. All participants in the transaction will be required to purchase and pay using CIBUS tokens.

The CIBUS will function as a multifunctional platform:

CIBUS track: this feature will facilitate access to traceability information by the final consumer.

CIBUS Social: will create interactive global social media features for food consumers, food producers, marketers, bloggers, food customers and all the other global kitchen enthusiasts, allowing them to reach the interaction with other food producers, marketing operators, finally it will be a globalized community of gastronomy and healthy life;

CIBUS trade: will provide an electronic commerce that allows the B2C and B2B trade mode in the food sector and  
will integrate the related merchandise using the CIBUS-Retail and CIBUS-Trade secondary platforms, respectively.

The CIBUS token will be the underlying encryption for all transactions on the CIBUS platform, it will be the only payment method for transaction fees, custody services, advertising and analytical data. All parts of CIBUS Trade and CIBUS, retailers will have to maintain a minimum CIBUS token balance to start their business at CIBUS; the goal will be to facilitate open and fair trade to reduce uncertainties in the reliability of the supply chain for the end consumer by developing a holistic strategy, a sustainable platform focused on food.

The global CIBUS global food ecosystem in blockchain technology can promote the following categories of food companies on the global platform:

● industrial processing of processed foods; 
● Distribution of wholesome or retail food.

The CIBUS-based business ecosystem can provide solutions suited to most of the recurring problems of poor quality and authenticity in food supply chains around the world. Benefits can be enjoyed in the following areas:

Traceability of ingredients and packaging materials for better food safety;
● Protection of the trademark resulting from the creation of the trademark;
● Consumption of data in real time to comply with regulatory audits;
● Monitoring of temperature delivery conditions for sensitive products;
● Ensure VACCP compliance based on GFSI (Vulnerability Assessment and Critical Control Points);
● Rapid recovery of food safety data in case of withdrawal of the product;
● Accurate traceability applied in the supply chain will enable partner manufacturers to quickly address product issues.

The pre-TOKEN sale started on January 9th 2018 and will end on February 28th 2018. The ICO token sales will officially start on February 28th 2018 and will end on March 28th 2018.

Author: wily27

ETH : 0x31F5A81e9a6C8295423bDBDCC572a48c247BaE2F


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