Sapien - a decentralized social news platform


Currently a lot of social networks that increasingly adds our relationship with the wider community. Starting with Facebook or other popular sites, where every day we encounter various kinds of news or information on the site provide good and correct information, sometimes the user gets false information that need no need to publish. These sites only sell the user data, and do not give them the value of the system that identifies false news or information, so many users do not get quality information.
We recognize this as a serious problem, and the quality of the platform that you generate on our platform. We will design this platform in accordance with our vision, by presenting quality content to its users, by creating a quality or unfeasible content identification system so that you get qualified and feasible information to enjoy.
Our platform will provide high-quality content by incentivizing them in the form of an SPN Token. We will send incentives to them in the form of an SPN token via the wallet we have provided. Users can manage and organize their tokens in a cowhide digital wallet, which can be used to store standard tokens of Ethereum ERC20.
We also design that the users can use a variety of goods, physical and virtual content, and various services that are entirely governed by using a system in this market. We will allow other users to enjoy creators, whether they are high-quality and reliable creators or simply provide useless information. Everything will be judged by other users. We will design this platform for the content or other users, with a proportionate and highly innovative system.
Users can choose their own interests and likes on the content published on this platform. That way, the news or information you get will suit your interests, and keep you from irrelevant news. We open up opportunities for advertisers, but we do not provide targeted ads because it violates the privacy of users.
We designed this platform to run using blockchain technology as the basis for our platform development. Because since it first appeared, blockchain comes with the offer of fast and secure online transactions and supports all types of data and cryptocurrency. In its development, blockchain evolved and pushed the revolution in the technology sector. Blockchain technology uses a system, where every transaction is recorded and can not be changed forever, so transactions can be maintained and reduce the possibility of data fraud.
We prefer to use blockchain technology, because this technology is more secure than the usual technology today. Unlike conventional technology, blockchain technology does not require a third party, so it's safer and cost-effective. And blockchain technology is a minimal system error, so this technology is better and reliable.
With this opportunity, we invite you to enlarge this Platform, to reach the Broader Society. We will release the Token under the name "SPN Token", here is the data.
•  Name: SPN Token
•  Pre-sale dates: January 31 - February 15
•  Token Exchange Base Rate: Phase #1 rate +20% (final exchange rate will be fixed closer to presale)
•  Currencies Accepted: ETH
•  Token sale dates: March 3 - April 3
•  Total Hard Cap (in USD): $30,000,000
•  Currencies Accepted: ETH, BTC, Alternative cryptocurrencies (via
•  Bonus Structure: Day 1: +15%, Week 1: +10%, Week 2: +3%,  Week 3+: no bonuses
•  Minimum Phase #1 Goal: 50,000,000 SPNtoken1.pngtoken2.pngROADMAProad1.pngroad2.pngroad3.pngteam1.pngteam2.pngteam3.png
Author: wily27
ETH : 0x31F5A81e9a6C8295423bDBDCC572a48c247BaE2F


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